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Peru Yambrasbamba is a community lot from a remote area in Northern Peru. In the protected forest of Alto Mayo lies the association of producers of Coopbam. Until working with Coopbam, our producing partner had exclusively worked in Southern Peru. The Alto Mayo is home to a cross-section of native Peruvian wildlife and the last undiscovered coffee in Peru. The climate here is ideal for coffee production with cold evenings, temperate days, and high altitudes of 1800-1900 masl, which helps slowly ripen the coffee cherries to develop flavor. All this comes together to create coffee that cannot be passed up. In this remote area, there is an abundance of old Caturra and Typica trees that contribute to this lot. The coffee is harvested from July to October. During the off-season, the soil is fertilized with Bokashi style (or anaerobic) compost, coffee pulp, sugarcane stalks, and microorganisms from fertile soil creating some of the healthiest trees. As a result, the coffee grown here is big, juicy, round, and super-sweet. Dial into almond and hot chocolate by starting with a 1:16 brew ratio, filtered water at 208-210℉, a medium grind, and a 3-3.5 minute brew cycle.

Brown Sugar

Red Currant


Single Origin



Amazonas, Peru




Typica, Caturra







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