Cloud Picker Coffee Roasters
Dublin, Ireland
This is our third year getting coffee from Wildan Mustofi's Frinsa Estate. Two years ago, we got in a washed coffee, remarkable for its cleanliness for a West Java. We then got two fermentation experiments last year which went down really well. This year is the funkiest yet - a real barrel of booziness for our more adventurous customers! After the cherries are washed, they are put in plastic bags and barrels to ferment. Once the oxygen is pushed out by all the carbon dioxide, the fermentation becomes anaerobic. The bags and barrels are rotated in the morning and evening so that gas can be released. The total fermentation lasts for 72 hours, after which time, the cherries are dried on raised beds. Wildan's on-site wet and dry mills give him a fantastic opportunity to experiment on coffees like this. This, in combination with steady relationships with worldwide quality-driven coffee partners, means his work on fermentation over the years is really set to capitalise on the growing appetite for wild flavours in speciality coffee in 2022. Enjoy!
Single Origin
West Java, Indonesia
Ateng, Lini S, Sigararutang, Borbor, Andungsari
Extended Fermentation