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ABOUT MUTANA We have been working with the Long Miles Coffee Project for a number of years, but this is the first year we made a selection from the seemingly endless rolling hills of Mutana. The edges of the Kibira Forest loom only a couple of kilometers away, which allows mist to fall from the forest and tumble onto farmer's fields each day. With its mix of silty and sandy soils, coffee is grown alongside a wide variety of other crops in this region. ABOUT THIS FIELD BLEND Varieties in Burundi are not exactly straightforward. We know that Red Bourbon and Mibirizi are being cultivated; however, we don't know at what relative percentages. Based on the history of production in Burundi there is also most likely some SL34 being grown as well. ABOUT LONG MILES COFFEE PROJECT The Long Miles Coffee Project is the dream-become-reality of Ben and Kristy Carlson. The pair moved to Burundi in 2011 with a simple dream: Help coffee growers by helping roasters source consistently high quality coffees from Burundi. Their dream has grown from working with fifty coffee growers in 2013 to working with more than 5,500 at present. Long Miles has been extremely effective in helping to actualize Burundi’s natural potential for extremely high quality coffee, while also making an incredible impact socially, economically, and environmentally. Coffees from this project are some of our most anticipated of the year, and we are humbled and honored continue supporting their inspiring work.


Asian Pear


Single Origin









Red Bourbon






Long Miles Coffee Project

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