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A rich and soft fruit profile is reminiscent of a berry jam, in this lot from the Izuba station in northern Burundi. The Izuba processing station lies in the Kababore commune in the north of the Kayanza region, right on the border between Rwanda and Burundi. Izuba is managed by Ntama Appolinaire, in close collaboration with the team from Raw Material Burundi, and employs 250 seasonal workers in the region. The Kayanza region has excellent potential for high quality coffee, partly due to its location near the Kibira forest national park, meaning healthy and rich soils. This potential is something we have seen for many years through our partnership with the Long Miles Coffee Project, also located in Kayanza just a short drove to the south of Izuba. Izuba serves approximately 1500 farmers on three hills, Kigeri, Ryamukona, and Mugoyi. The staff at the station have been experimenting with keeping lots from each of the hills separate, examining the minute differences in profile generated by different soil and climate conditions on each hill. They have also been experimenting with processing, processing rather large volumes of natural and honey coffees, and some small experimental lots fermented in tanks without oxygen. This year, we have been able to purchase both a traditional natural lot, and one of the experimental anoxic lots. The natural is a rather typical jammy and rich fruit Burundi profile, with a delicately herbal finish.




Single Origin













Izuba Processing Station

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