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Juicy nectarine and grapefruit pack a citrusy punch in this Kenyan coffee from the historic Maganjo factory. Hints of black tea soothe the palette for a bright and balanced cup. The Maganjo is a historic processing factory that is part of Rumukia, a small but well-known producer organization in Nyeri County. Mount Kenya, at the helm of Kenya’s Central Province, is the second tallest peak on the continent of Africa and a commanding natural presence.Along the lower edge of the forests where, in wet, high elevation communities with mineral-rich soil, many believe the best coffees in Kenya are crafted. Nyeri is perhaps the most well-known of these central counties. At the factory, Maganjo collects cherries from members daily throughout the harvest months. Cherries are sorted upon arrival for ripeness and consistency and then blended together for processing: depulped and fermented overnight, washed in fresh water and moved to raised screen tables to dry, a process that takes 2-3 weeks depending on local climate and ambient temperatures. After drying, the coffee is then conditioned in large perforated bins on-site to allow moisture to stabilize, preparing the coffees for transit and a long shelf life. The established milling and sorting by grade, or bean size, is a longstanding tradition and positions Kenya coffees well for roasters, by tightly controlling the physical preparation and creating a diversity of profiles from a single processing batch.


Black Tea



Single Origin



Muranga County, Kenya






Ruiru 11, SL-28, Batain






Maganjo Factory

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