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This is a decaf that fairs better than many of the caffeinated coffees we sample and holds its own against any of our caffeinated coffees. This is our second year working with Wilton Benitez and the second time we've bought this decaf. About The Producer 26+ years being a coffee grower. 16+ years of experience with specialty coffee. Roaster. Q-grader processor. Non-certified tester but with a lifetime of experience in the tasting process. Paraíso 92 is a family farm that uses highly innovative farming systems such as terraces, drip irrigation, shading and laboratory nutrition count aimed to produce a unique coffee. Paraiso 92 has a processing plant, microbiology lab and quality lab. They are able to produce coffees through different processes such as washed, Natural, Honey and anaerobic coffees (single and twice fermentation). The use of bioreactors and specific microorganisms for controlled fermentation coupled with a constant control and monitoring of factors such as temperature, pH, brix degrees and electric conductivity make El Paraiso 92 ́s coffee to stand out from the rest and offer a value added like no other. All this allow the producer to have distinct, unique and standardized profiles and notes. Processing The processes applied to all the coffees start with a careful and strict selection, sterilization and coffee cherry profiling. Subsequently, the first controlled anaerobic fermentation phase initiates, by adding a specific microorganism for each process. Later on, the coffee is pulped and then subject to a second fermentation phase. When the second fermentation phase is done, a thermal shock process is carried out through hot and cold-water shots in an effort to improve and boost the organoleptic characteristics of the coffee.








Piendamó, Cauca, Colombia








Anaerobic Natural Fermentation




Wilton Benitez


Granja Paraiso 92

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