Dark Matter Coffee
Chicago, IL, USA
40 years. Founded upon owner Brian Slagel's enduring drive to find great bands and get their music out to as many people as possible, since 1982 Metal Blade has brought wave after wave of powerful, innovative, and often genre-defining music to the ever-hungry metal masses. We partnered with Metal Blade to celebrate 40 years of killer music with this killer brew. Capitalizing on our partnership with this classic label, we went with an old classic in the coffee world, Bourbon, to make up the base of the blend. When looking at a coffee family tree, you'll see that almost every cultivar we source from our relationships is a descendant of Bourbon. We paired this honey-processed Bourbon from Santa Petrona with a younger, wilder Pacamara from El Rosario. The Pacamara beans are naturally processed, leaving the skin and mucilage surrounding the bean intact, creating a closed system in which the fermentation takes place. This pop of acidity brings a surprisingly zesty, bright note to the blend that plays well with the sweetness of the Bourbon. Coffee 1 Country: El Salvador Farm: Santa Petrona Cultivar: Bourbon Process: Honey Coffee 2 Country: El Salvador Farm: El Rosario Cultivar: Pacamara Process: Natural
Green Grape