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The Yaye washing station is located in the Arbegona district of Sidamo, Ethiopia. Here, Faysel Abdosh owns and operates multiple washing stations under the umbrella of Testi Coffee. Growing up in West Harar, Faysel started his own exporting company in 2009, working to develop communities within coffee producing regions and creating access to global specialty markets beyond the local market. In communities like Denbi Uddo and Aricha, Testi has built primary schools to ensure children receive education. This particular lot from Yaye is prepared with direct oversight from Faysel, working with just around ten producers’ coffee cherries to assemble this offering. The cherries go through even more rigorous sorting than is typical for Yaye, then extra attention is paid to how the coffee undergoes natural processing. Around 25 kilograms of cherries are piled at a height of five centimeters on raised beds, which are rotated five to six times each day for even sun exposure. Faysel’s goal for this work is to be able to produce a higher quality lot of coffee, thus ensuring a higher price premium for the producers involved. Yaye strikes a wonderful balance of sweet fruit flavors like strawberry and blueberry with rich chocolate and complex black tea flavors in the cup. This cup also showcases purple and pink fruit flavors as it cools.

Black Tea




Single Origin



Sidamo, Ethiopia




74110, 74158






Faysel Abdosh

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