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Passenger’s green buying team visited Guji, one of the most renowned coffee producing regions in southern Ethiopia, during our last Ethiopian sourcing trip in January, 2020, While the Coronavirus pandemic made it impossible for us to return in person this year, our indefatigable supply chain partners supported us in obtaining another delicious lot from the 2021 harvest. Once again, a coffee from Benti Nenka is a standout of the season. As with other stunning coffees from Guji that we have had the pleasure of tasting in the past, this freshly arrived offering from Beni Nenka is remarkably complex, offering a harmonious bouquet of floral and fruit-driven flavors. The Guduba wet mill is a washing station located near the village of Benti Nenka within the woreda (a “woreda” is a regional district) of Hambela Wamena, Guji. Over the 2020/2021 harvest, approximately 589 smallholder coffee farmers delivered their coffee cherry to the Guduba wet mill which is owned by Eyasu Worasa, a native of the region who brings over a decade of experience to his management of the washing station. When spending time in this beautiful region of Ethiopia, the dramatic altitudes are impossible to ignore. It is one of the few regions in the coffee producing world where one has the routine experience of driving over a ridge and then winding down the mountain in order to reach altitudes that are low enough for coffee to grow! A selection from the 2020 harvest at Benti Nenka ranked among Passenger’s best loved coffees last autumn, so we are incredibly pleased to offer this latest gem from the most recent harvest season. Thanks to perfectly executed processing at a staggeringly high altitude, this lot offers a beautifully structured taste of the unique coffee varieties of the region: a mix of Ethiopian Landraces (a blend of indigenous Ethiopian coffee varieties) and selected varieties brought to the region from the Jimma Agricultural Research Center.



Passion Fruit


Single Origin



Guji, Ethiopia





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