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Phantom Limb is the wildest of Huckleberry’s blends. We conceived Phantom Limb to focus on fruit-forward flavors that one might not expect from a traditional espresso or drip blend. Phantom Limb is an East African showcase, highlighting both natural and washed coffees. Phantom Limb will taste great as espresso and drip, but is intended to showcase the unexpected, unique flavors of its components - jam and berries from the natural process and the lemonade, clean, floral goodness we love in washed Africans - rather than adhere to anyone’s idea of a “traditional” espresso. If you want to think about it in terms of candy, Blue Orchid is your Tootsie Roll or Milky Way, Phantom is your bag of Jolly Ranchers or pack of Starbursts. Even though we tend to use Phantom Limb as espresso in the two Huckleberry cafes, most often for straight shots and the smaller milk beverages, it’ll still taste great as a brewed coffee at home. Expect floral undertones, tangy brightness, and jammy, fruity sweetness. Current Blend: Ethiopia Worka Sakaro and Benti Nenka Washed, Kenya Njuriga Washed, Ethiopia Guji Uraga Natural Current Tasting Notes: raspberry and blackberry, lemon brightness, floral aromatics, subtle cocoa. Many people suffer from phantom pain, limb loss or limb difference (including customers of ours) and therefore with every purchase of this blend we try to raise awareness and money by donating a portion of proceeds to local amputee support organizations. All of our coffee blends are named after songs that have significance for our company's history. Phantom Limb is a song by The Shins that was one of the first conversations that Koan and Mark ever had.






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