This coffee is still a "light medium" by our book which means it's basically a light roast in almost the entire world. Is it nutty? No. I'm leaving it because the label says nutty but if you're reading this know that I have about 500 labels left and I wasn't going to reprint them. Next year it will read a bit like this. Fruity, Sweet, clean, candied - If you had jawn of the dead know that this is somewhat similar - a little in the lane of the current Vice Pink coffee. This is where these two coffees will criss cross taste wise. This is a bit more juicy fruity gummy like candy like than it is chocolate candy but it's there. I think what is fun is that what makes this coffee so wild is a cold fermentation from Fincas Mierisch. I have no idea if we'll ever be able to get it again but this round it's there and does fill the "nutty" lane being a nic and all. That said it's really sweet and interesting. There's a lot going on in this coffee that's a bit more just taste and see. Its fun which these coffees tend to be and last year wasn't so much. 2019 Review kept for "woah" remember that/ Bunnies! I realize like zero people are really "going out" right now but it's a fun hey the weather is kind of warm right now coffee that doesn't make you want to bunker up. Which we area. I dunno. This virus thing is weird and making me write weird descriptions for our coffee's. We take about 50% of the moscardini and 50% of an ethiopian washed coffee called aromo and together they make this peanut/floral/sweet kind of coffee. It's more a brisk coffee than one that melts your face from roast profile. So if you prefer the subtle side of my roasting style, this one should be fun.