Guatemala San Antonio Chaguite, Java

PPP Coffee



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The Pèrez family has been one of our direct-from-origin producers since 2015. They are a family-owned business, managing the Family Bonds group of farms. Amongst these farms, the San Antonio Chaguite farm sits at the highest elevation at 1,950 metres above sea level. The high altitude contributes to a dense coffee, with clean acidity and a well-balanced sweetness. Currently maintained by the 3rd and 4th generations of the Pèrez family, we were won over by their incredible efforts to ensure the sustainability of their farms, as well as their surrounding environment. Specialising in varietals such as Bourbon, Caturra and Pacamara, the quality from Danny Perez is always consistent and we never fail to buy from them again year on year. This year, we are proud to showcase one of their newest varietals, the Java. On Danny Pèrez's farm, there are only 4000 Java trees, and due to the low output volume, this lot was milled entirely by hand. With only 150kg available, we are honoured to be one of the first to bring to you this varietal from Family Bonds. Originally thought to be a Typica selection, recent genetic research has revealed its origin to be from Ethiopia landraces. It was introduced to the island of Java by a Dutch botanist, P. J. S. Cramer, in 1928, along with a selection of other Arabica varieties from Ethiopia. Thereafter, in the 20th century, a local farmer from Cameroon in Central Africa acquired the seeds through Porteres, a famous breeder. Here, its tolerance against coffee berry disease (CBD) was observed by breeders, and began being cultivated widely in the 1980s. With its unique tolerance and low need for fertiliser input, as well as its potential at high altitudes, it was increasingly recognised in Central America, where Panama was one of the first countries to officially recognise it in 2016. With an oblong seeds and bronze-tipped leaves, it represents an interesting alternative to the Geisha, with a unique floral profile and high cup quality.

Green Tea

Black Tea

Green Apple



Single Origin



Huehuetenango, Guatemala









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