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PRODUCER The Los Nubarrones farm, located in El Avion, Nueva Segovia, has a total of 9.5 hectares and is situated at an altitude of 1,450 to 1,700 meters above sea level. The farm has been owned since 2010 by Mariano Rafael Montealegre Callejas. The loamy-sandy soil of Los Nubarrones provides ideal conditions for growing the Java variety. The harvest lasts from December to April, averaging 1 200 kg of coffee per hectare. Los Nubarrones employs three permanent staff and is joined by 12 other employees during the harvest. PROCESSING The farm harvests only ripe coffee cherries. After the coffee cherries are harvested and collected, they are pulped and fermented for 18 to 24 hours. The coffee is then washed with clean water and transported to the processing station. There it is placed on shaded African beds for drying, where it is periodically raked until it reaches a moisture content of 11-11,5 %. After drying, the coffee is stored in a special warehouse section away from other coffees. VARIETY Although the origin of the Java variety is still more or less unclear, it is believed to be related to the Typica variety. It resembles it not only in its shape but also in its flavor characteristics, such as citrus fruits or white flowers. The name derives from the Indonesian island of Java, where the variety was introduced in 1928, probably from Ethiopia. Over time, it has become popular in Nicaragua, where its biggest grower is the well-known Mierisch coffee family. Because of its widespread cultivation here, it is sometimes called JavaNica.






Single Origin



Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua










Mariano Rafael Montealegre Callejas


Los Nubarones

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