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Santa Barbara Estate consists of 5 sister properties spread across three contiguous geographic regions - Santa Barbara, Fredonia and Amaga. The farm was established in the 1980s; Sr. Pedro Echavarria knew from the start that the situation was favourable. Fascinated by the different microclimates, unique volcanic soils, the perfect altitude and a tradition of excellent coffee production, he set up a small farm in the high Andes of Antioquia. The union of these perfect natural conditions with hard work and efficiency has rapidly increased both the acreage and the reputation of the farm. In the past five years, Pedro's son - also Pedro - has become more involved in the work of the farm and has raised the already high quality of the coffee to a whole new level through new methods of processing and better control and monitoring of the individual production steps. Pedro Jr. and Santa Barbara's coffee boss, Leonardo Henao Triana, manage their wet mill with a mixture of artistry, industrial discipline and scientific curiosity. They aim to further develop the farm's ability to produce the highest quality coffee, and their range is even available in Medellin, Colombia through their flagship store, Pergamino. Each Veracruz lot is made from five days of harvest. Every day, depulped beans are placed in a fermentation tank with a built-in refrigeration unit, in which water circulates at a temperature of around 18°C, which is well below the usual fermentation temperatures of 25/26°C. By blending five days' harvest and lowering the temperature, the producer is able to maintain the correct pH and avoids very low pH levels during processing, which can lead to over-fermentation. In addition to better pH control, the lower temperature also provides more control over yeast and bacterial activity.

White Grape




Single Origin



Santa Bárbara, Antioquia, Colombia




Colombia, Caturra




Echavarria Family, Café de Santa Barbara


Santa Bárbara Estate

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