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Caio Pereira Cerrado is a small farm located in Carmodeminas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The farm is run by the fifth generation: Jose Antonio Pereira, his wife Valeria, and their sons Caio and Felipe. Coffee is the farm's main, but not only, focus. We love coffee and strive to make it even better every year. The altitude of the farm is 1100-1200 meters. The varieties cultivated are Achaia, Mundo Novo, Yellow Catucai, and Yellow Bourbon. The coffee is harvested by hand using a hand machine to prevent the cherries from falling on the floor. Coffee is collected three times a day and transported to a factory where it is processed into four types: natural, fully washed, honey, and pulped natural. In addition to coffee, they also raise dairy cows for sustainability, and provide most of the fertilizer needed by the coffee farm. We also have a solar power plant that provides all the electricity needed for coffee and milk production. pulped natural After harvesting, the immature beans and ripe beans are sorted, and after removing the pulp, they are spread out on the patio to dry for 3-4 days, and then mechanically dried. It is dried in two stages, with moisture values ranging from 30% to 16% and from 16% to 11.5%. Between these two stages of drying, it is left in a wooden silo for about a week to equalize the moisture content. Mr. Caio's Pulped Natural is in its third year. It seems like the quality is still improving year by year, so I'm still looking forward to this farm. Caio, who is also an agronomist, has started research on various types of fermentation, so I'm looking forward to the future of Pulped Natural. This year, it seems that the amount of specialty grade lots was quite small because it rained at the time of harvest, and many of the cherries cracked and were of slightly lower quality. Thanks to Caio for providing it to us! I hope to continue to deepen our ties with them.






Single Origin



Carmo de Minas, MG, 37472-000, Brazil






Yellow Catuai


Pulped Natural




Caio Pereira


Fazenda Do Serrado

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