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All JNP’s coffees are heirloom Bourbon, with sub varietals Jackson and Mibirizi varieties grown at altitudes between 1,200 and 1,950 meters (3,937 to 6,397 feet) above sea level. Bourbon is the most famous of the Bourbon-descended varieties. It is a tall variety characterized by relatively low production, susceptibility to the major diseases, and excellent cup quality. Mibirzi varietal offers excep­tion­al cup qual­i­ty and is drought tol­er­ant, but high­ly sus­cep­ti­ble to major dis­eases like coffee leaf rust. Rainfall in this region is approximately 1,200 millimeters (47 inches) per year, ideal for growing coffee in the volcanic soil of this region. However, the country has been threatened by drought regularly making usage of the Mibirzi varietal (and its drought resistance characteristic) essential to local coffee production. In 2019, in the Ngozi region of Burundi, a group of seven women, true entrepreneurs, surprised everyone with the high quality of their very first coffee harvest of five micro-lots. JNP Coffee is proud to offer you this coffee called Turihamwe, which means “together” in Kirundi. These seven women have worked in coffee farming for several years, earning premiums from JNP Coffee as part of the International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) Premium Program. Last year, they pooled their savings and formed a small investor group, which they named Turihamwe Turashoba, or “Together we can.” The women then used the investment funds to build their own wet mill, named for the local hill Gitemezi. Through their small investment group, Turihamwe Turashobora, these businesswomen plan to use future premium earnings to increase production from five micro-lots to 1,200 bags a year.






Single Origin












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