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A very special aged coffee from Lisa and Leo in Sumatra. Semiga 7 'Gold 7' alluding to the golden color this green coffee has taken after 7 years of aging. This coffee started out life as a special prepare Wet-hulled coffee similar the Siamang Forest lot we carry from them. Coffee cherries from the Silimakuta sub growing region of Simalungun underwent anaerobic fermentation in bags after pulping. This lot was screened out to separate the Peaberries. It is about 70% small peaberry beans. Half of this lot was sold in a Specialty Coffee of Indonesia auction in November 2014. The other half was kept for aging. The coffee was stored in Grain-pro lined burlap bags. Once a year, at the beginning of each harvest season the coffees were laid out on shaded drying tables for a couple of days, and then re-bagged. While some things get old, others become vintage and acquire a patina of sorts, adding character that can only come from journey. The best aged Sumatra coffees wear their history with pride: they become heavy, deep, and resonant, with added mouthfeel and viscosity. Cedar, tobacco, chocolate, and butter notes add complexity to an already intriguing profile. Much like a 50 year old vintage cognac, this has a faint hint of age which adds to it's charm. Aged Sumatran coffees aren't like anything but themselves, and we love them for that.




Dark Chocolate



Single Origin



Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia






Typica, Sigararutang


Various Smallholder

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