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We get coffee samples all the time, but very rarely do they hit in a way that makes us jump at the opportunity to purchase, especially super premium coffees from exotic origins. This coffee did just that by displaying flavors and flavor combinations that we hadn't experienced before. Exotic floral and tea like flavors, with subtle fruit tones that are so amazingly harmonious. This coffee really is an experience, and even on the blind cupping table we all preferred this very rare Anaerobic Natural to the other lots. To our knowledge this is a new fermentation style for Yemen, but everything about Yemen is new to us. We are excited to show you this Gem and can't wait for you to have your horizons expanded with this totally new coffee flavor experience. Reminiscent of Ethiopia with some other distinctly new flavors. We worked with We The Origin and SABCOMEED to bring this coffee to you. Such an exciting collaboration.


Single Origin









Anaerobic Natural Fermentation



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