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We will embark on a fascinating journey through the history of coffee, guided by the legendary African subspecies, Geisha. Originating from the lush lands of southern Ethiopia, this 100% Arabian variety crossed borders, passing through Tanzania, Kenya and Costa Rica, until it found its true home in Panama, in the 1960s. Initially, Geisha gained its place due to its resistance to rust fungus (roya), which threatened other Arabian varieties. However, his cultivation faced challenges and disbelief. With fewer cherries per plant, slow ripening and low yield compared to other varieties, Geisha coffee seemed destined to be just a curiosity. However, in the highlands of Panama, where imposing altitudes and tropical rains create an exceptional terroir, something magical has happened. That's when the Geisha revealed its true essence, becoming an extraordinarily complex and tasty grain. Its reputation is so delicate and special that it is equated with the best teas in the world. Coffee experts do not skimp praise for the particularities of this remarkable grain. Its greatest advantage is the striking presence of the body, standing out for its sweetness, acidity and floral aromas. In the cup, notes of jasmine, bergamot and an explosion of tropical and wild fruits intertwine, creating a truly extraordinary flavor experience. In Brazil very few farms risk cultivating this varietal, however, the Fazenda Santuario Sul, the producer Luiz Paulo, is one of them. He received some seeds of the Geisha coffee from some friends and brought it to Brazil to start the selection. It's 12 years of cultivating and tracking Geisha's genetic selection.


Red Grape



Single Origin



São Lourenço, MG, 37470-000, Brazil












Luiz Paulo Dias Pereira Filho


Fazenda Santuário Sul

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