Jamaica Blue Mountain Bourbon Rey

Paradise Roasters


Hilo, HI, USA

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Not your parents Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee! A powerful, full-bodied cup. Apricot, toasted coconut, and brown sugar in the cup. A coating finish with hints of dark chocolate. Similar cup profile to other large bean varieties such as Pacamara and Maragogype. In 2019 we sent the first harvest of this variety in Jamaica to Coffee Review which scored 93 points. Their Highest score ever for a Jamaican Coffee! Gonzalo Hernandez likes to brag that he’s amassed the world’s largest private collection of coffees trees: more than two hundred species, botanical varieties, mutations and cultivars that grow on his exotic Costa Rican “coffee garden”, Coffea Diversa. His collection includes some of the rarest in the world -- coffees many have neither heard of nor tasted.Of each variety Gonzalo has only a few trees, and his coffees are sold in small 10 kilogram bags to knowledgeable roasters and friends around the world, first come, first serve. We first visited Coffea Diversa and met Gonzalo 11 years ago, and we’ve been looking forward to sharing these ever since. In 2014 he started a farm in Jamaica's Blue Mountains in partnership with the Sharp Family of Clifton Mount Estate, growing a selection of his best cupping varieties from the original farm in Costa Rica. This farm is finally starting to produce and Paradise is one of the first roasters in the world to have an opportunity to share these coffees. This year harvest was very small in Jamaica. Just one 30kg barrel of this coffee was produced which we happily accepted when Coffea Diversa offered it to us. Bourbon Rey is a mutation of the bourbon variety discovered on Coffea Diversa farm in Biollet Costa Rica that produces giant seeds. Similar in size and cup profile to the Typica Mutant Maragogype and hybrids developed from that variety such as Pacamara and Maracaturra. We have tasted several varieties from their Jamaica farm over several harvest seasons now, and the Bourbon Rey is consistently among our top picks year after year.



Brown Sugar


Single Origin















Gonzalo Hernandez


Coffea Diversa

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