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Carlos Pola is a fifth generation producer whom we have been fortunate to meet in person this year during his visit to Barcelona. Carlos worked in the textile industry for 20 years before starting to dedicate himself completely to coffee cultivation in 2012. He currently runs the Las Brisas farm and 2 other family farms, investing in technology and sustainability. Carlos describes his agricultural techniques as something new and sustainable. It does not produce washed batches because the process ends in contamination of water resources. Firmly believe in the power of a fungus called Mycorrhizal that generates a symbiotic relationship with coffee plants: This fungus colonizes the plant through the roots and establishes a network of structures through which an exchange of sugars and nutrients with the plant is generated. Although it may seem novel, this is a process that happens naturally, but has been replaced with chemical fertilizers for the past 50 years. When the rust attacked Central America in 2012-2013, its farms were affected, as were most farms in the area. At that time, Carlos decided to renew the plants on his farm with other more resistant varieties, such as Pacamara, Pacas and other hybrids that had been on the farm for several decades ( while other producers continued to grow Bourbon due to the reputation and quality of the cup of this variety ). This led him to spend 6 years with 15% production%. Instead of replanting following the structure that the farm already had, Carlos decided to change its architecture, planting his new coffee trees imitating the way it is done in Brazil, in rows that maintain the same elevation to conserve rainwater and prevent erosion. Once the harvest is complete, the cherries are floated in water for selection, then they become drained and then dehydrated in a cool, ventilated place for two days. The next step is a pulping without water ( natural depulped ), to finish the process with drying in the sun in African beds, covering the shady coffee from 12 noon.



Black Currant


Single Origin



El Salvador










Carlos Pola


Finca Las Brisas

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