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AA Karnataka is a strong, spicy coffee from the Chikmagalur district in the south west of India, which used to belong to the Kingdom of Mysore. The coffee in this region is grown in harmony with nature under the cover of the rich jungle. Besides coffee, spices like pepper and vanilla as well as several varieties of nuts are also grown in this region. The Bourbon trees of the AA Karnataka are grown at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. Once harvested, the cherries are washed, resulting in fairly large beans that deliver a strong and spicy cup of coffee. The main coffee growing regions in India are in the south, in the states of Ferala and Karnataka. This AA Karnataka comes from the Chikmagalur district, where at 1200 meters above sea level coffee is grown and picked by hand before being sorted and washed. Located right next to a national park, in the middle of the jungle, the farm also produces its own compost for fertilisation, which keeps the delicate local ecosystem in good health.


Baker's Chocolate

Black Currant


Single Origin



Karnataka, India









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