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Oberon coffee could be described as the Queen of Brazilian coffees. Only the best and finest coffees from Brazil’s Cerrado region find their way into Oberon. Cerrado is located in a dry and flat region in southwestern Minas Gerais. Because it is mainly dry and flat, producers can worry less about the elements and focus more of their time and energy on producing great coffee. The cherries are picked at the best stage of their maturation, which allows the bean to absorb as much sweetness as possible. The Oberon is the perfect blend of the three main characteristics found in coffee (acidity, body, and sweetness). This makes for a well-balanced coffee that has pleasant, citric acidity, a smooth and full body, nice sweetness, and a dark chocolate flavor.


Simple Syrup

Red Currant


Single Origin



Cerrado, Patos de Minas - MG, 38701, Brazil






Mundo Novo, Bourbon, Catuai


Pulped Natural

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