The Kii processing station or factory in Kenya, managed by the Rungeto Farmers’ Cooperative Society, is known for its commitment to producing exceptional coffee. The factory carefully selects only the ripest cherries, conducts meticulous processing, and uses raised beds for optimal drying, resulting in high-quality coffee sought after in the specialty coffee market. PRODUCER Kii Station is one of the stations owned by the Rungeto Farmers’ Cooperative Society (FCS). Despite its smaller size, it is a well-known and reputable station. Its quality coffee processing and strong attention to detail have earned it a reputation as one of Kenya’s cleanest and best-organized stations. Throughout the coffee process, Kii emphasizes the highest quality product sought by the biggest gourmets in the coffee market. PROCESSING Only ripe cherries are transported to the station. This is followed by manual sorting and rinsing in tanks of water. Here the farmers get rid of the less ripe and damaged fruit. The cherries are then peeled, fermented, and washed again in water. To bring out the flavor profiles for which Kenyan coffee is famous, the cherries are placed in vats of water. Drying takes place on special beds designed for optimum air circulation and temperature. Before export, the fruit is carefully sorted through screens according to size and shape. VARIETY SL 28 is a well-known and popular African coffee variety. It is resistant to drought and disease, so it is popular among farmers in various African countries. SL 34 SL34 is a variety adapted to high altitudes and heavy rains. Unfortunately, it is susceptible to disease, but the exceptional quality of the cup compensates for this. Ruiru 11 is characterized by its small stature and high resistance to leaf rust and other diseases. Batian is a great variety for small growers. It is a tall variety of excellent quality and disease resistance.
Red Currant
Single Origin
Mt. Kenya Forest, Kenya
Ruiru 11, SL-28, SL-34, Batain
Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society
Kii Washing Station, Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society