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This installment of our Modern American espresso roast comes from our good friends over at Abana Estate in Gera, Limu, Ethiopia. This is an Heirloom variety, but more specifically Metu Bishari Selections, Gera Selections, and Merdacheriko. Ethiopia has a rich variety of unique heirloom varieties and although most of Abana’s harvest can be traced to specific varieties they have personally selected, there are many unique and wild coffees included. Each lot is hand sorted multiple times and processed with attention to detail. All of their washed milling is done in Addis Ababa. All sorting and milling is completed to Grade 1 in Addis Ababa to less than 1% defect for all coffees. After picking and hand sorting, the coffees are floated, demucilated (takes off all pulp and mucilage), washed in the channels, and brought out to the temporary drying beds for 24 hours before being brought to the normal raised drying beds. These lots are agitated several times a day for even drying and hand sorted a few more times on the table while drying. After the coffee in parchment reaches 11-12% moisture they are brought to our conditioning warehouse to equalize all moisture prior to bagging for the mill. The attention to detail is the reason why this coffee shines and is an absolute banger as an espresso style roast. The citrus peach notes really balance well with the sweet milk chocolate produced from the longer slower roast profile. Although this is the perfect coffee to enjoy on espresso, it is also excellent on drip or batch brew.


Golden Raisin















Abana Farms

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