Tanzania Leon Christianakis



Kyoto, Japan

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The Geisha variety originated in the 1930s from coffee forests in Ethiopia. From there, it was sent to the Lyamungu Research Institute in Tanzania, and in 1953 was brought to the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Central America, where it was finally recorded as T2722. It was recognized because of its resistance to coffee leaf rust. It was distributed throughout Panama by CATIE in the 1960s, but it was never widely adopted because of its brittle branches, which made it unpopular among farmers. Decades later, in 2005, Peterson from the Boquete region of Panama entered Geisha at the "Best of Panama" auction. There, for the first time, the coffee was recognized for its quality and sold for more than $20 per pound, setting a record for green bean auction prices at the time. This variety is known for its delicate floral, jasmine, and peachy aromas that, when carefully cultivated at high altitudes, leading to very high cup quality. Finca La Josefina is operated by Leopoldo Andrade and his brothers. They also own a plantation in the Oriente region of Ecuador called Finca Majorelle. For Finca Josefina, the coffee-growing project started in 2014, and in 2016 for Finca Majorelle. During this process, they had to face many challenges, first in choosing the location of the plantation and establishing the necessary infrastructure. After comes the challenge of selecting the coffee seedlings and finding different farming methods. Located at an altitude of 1,400 to 1,600 meters above sea level, the plantation covers about 19 hectares and produces about a dozen varieties of coffee. Only the ripe cherries are carefully selected and harvested, after which they are floated in water to sort out only the densest berries. Then, to obtain the best cherries, another selection of cherries is done by hand in the sorting beds. After pulp removal, the cherries are wet fermented for about 18 hours and then rinsed. The cherries are then dried in African beds for 10 to 15 days.



Earl Grey

White Grape


Single Origin



Oldeani, Tanzania











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