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We have been stocking this coffee for the last few years and every new season's sample is something we look forward to - the cleanliness of flavour really stands out on the cupping table along with the soft nut and fruit mix. We were lucky to meet the producer, Adolfo Henrique Vieira Ferreira, when we exhibited at the World of Coffee festival in Berlin - we even had a brew of his coffee ready when he wandered over to our table by chance! Fazenda Passeio has been owned by the Vieira Ferreira family for four generations. Adolfo puts a strong emphasis on protecting the environment and biodiversity in and around the farm, and on supporting his workers through initiatives such as providing schooling for their children. Fazenda Passeio lies near the town of Monte Belo in the southern part of Minas Gerais, an area well known for producing some of Brazil's finest coffees. The farm has 130 hectares dedicated to coffee production. This coffee is hand picked, which is still unusual in Brazil. Handpicking generally results in more evenly ripe cherries going into production. The cherries are pulped the same day as picking to avoid fermentation defects, then dried on patios for a few days before being finished in mechanical dryers.

Maple Syrup

Red Currant



Single Origin



State of Minas Gerais, Brazil






Mundo Novo, Acaia, Yellow Catuai






Adolfo Henrique Vieira Ferreira


Fazenda Passeio

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