Our Holiday Coffee From The Montero Family

Morgon Coffee Roasters


Gothenburg, Sweden

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Our holiday coffee comes from our friends, the Montero family in Tarrazu, Costa Rica. This coffee, of the Catuai type, was one of the very first we bought when we started Morgon and have worked with them every harvest since. The coffee is honey processed, creamy and buttery, with notes of chocolate Santas and plum. Since we met the Montero family for the first time in 2016, we have visited their incredibly beautiful farm several times and have had the great joy of being able to give back a little for their hospitality. Don Carlos and his daughter Marianela visited us for some pickled herring and to celebrate Christian's 40th birthday. Carlos' son Jacob, who has started to take over the work on the farm, visited us in the summer of 2022 to take part in how we work with their coffee, and a couple of nice dinners in town at customers who serve the family's coffee. This year's holiday coffee has a special place in our hearts, just like the family that grew and handled it, and we think this will be a perfect compliment to the last weekends and celebrations of the year, as well as just about every day before and after.





Single Origin



San José Province, Tarrazu, Costa Rica










Montero Family

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