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BOTZ is entering the Agaro zone. Historically, in BOTZ’s coffee buying experience, this time of year marks the beginning of new Ethiopia fresh crop lots. While many lots are still on the water (just wait till those arrive…), I personally find that Agaro coffees tend to land it a tad earlier. This pumps us up big time, because they offer a cup profile that BOTZ is utterly addicted to – crystal clear stone fruits, a lingering honey sweetness, and zero distractions. Everyone has their own memories that might resurface when they experience a coffee, but sometimes coffees make you envision scenarios that haven’t even happened yet. Can beans be clairvoyant? If you’re coffee weird like BOTZ, there’s no doubt in my mind. Agaro coffees always fill me up with a sense of hope. When the coffee’s right, it’s like each dip into your cupping bowl shows you a glimpse of what the future can be. My sister and I talk about manifesting at BOTZ. See BOTZ in the best cafes in the world. See BOTZ change someone’s day each morning. See BOTZ provide for your life. With a well-executed roast, Genji Challa, makes me realize it’s all possible. (Takes a sip) I hear a conversation between a barista and customer about their freshly brewed cup of BOTZ. (Takes another) An up-and-coming artist wears a piece of BOTZ merch at her sold out show. (Finishes the cup) BOTZ helps pay for a future home. Beans are powerful. Coffee-wise Genji Challa offers a cup experience centered around cup cohesion. The acidity is like chomping into a fresh white peach. The body is fluid and weighty. The sweetness is honey dominant with floral undertones (almost like you can taste the flowers the bees chose to munch on). While these individual elements are rather stunning, in tandem they create a complex and complete brewing experience. So please, brew Genji Challa, manifest what your dreams, and beanlieve! It’ll come true.





Single Origin



Agora, Ethiopia







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