Colombia Huila El Cielo Tabi Natural

Klatch Coffee


Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Finca El Cielo means The Sky Farm, where beautiful surrounding mountains kiss the sky. Flavor notes of strawberry, rhubarb and a glass of sweet tea. Natural process coffees at El Cielo are picked by hand and fermented in tanks for 24 hours to allow sugars to peak, and then dried for 7-16 days on raised screens. Angelo is the producer and owner of Finca El Cielo is working with the guidance of his longtime exporter, to establish a quality laboratory in a drying plant in nearby Garzón. He has been studying sensory analysis and coffee grading in order to better manage his own coffee quality, using his palate as a feedback tool for his harvest management. His new skill will likely provide value to many other growers as well. Huila is arguably Colombia’s best-known department for top microlots. Huila’s geographical accessibility, dense population of knowledgeable farmers, warm and subtropical forests, high elevations, and microclimate diversity have for many years sustained one of specialty coffee’s most beloved regions. Huila is a long and narrow valley that follows a winding gap between two large cords of the Andes. Uphill from the valley’s lush and picturesque lower slopes (Colombia’s 950-mile long Magdalena River has its source in southern Huila and has shaped the agriculture here for centuries) are a diverse array of coffee producing communities, often dramatically steep, and each with their own unique climate and history. Angelo Sosa’s farm, “El Cielo”, is 10 hectares in size and gets 2 harvests each calendar year: a main crop between October-December; and another smaller crop in the summer. Tabi, the dominant cultivar on Angelo’s farm is a uniquely Colombian cultivar bred by Cenicafé, Colombia’s federal coffee research department, and is a blend of bourbon, typica, and timor hybrid genetics.





Single Origin



Huila, Colombia










Angelo Sosa


Finca El Cielo

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