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Banko Michicha is a washing station in Guji, in the south of the Sidamo coffee growing region, and is part of the official Oromia region. This production mill is owned by Mr. Degefa Sema, a 25 year industry veteran who also runs a string of washing and milling stations around Keffa, Guji, and Sidamo. It’s safe to say he has a pretty good handle on how to produce amazing coffees, and this lot proves it. Around 800 farmers deliver their coffee to Degefa, and Banko Michicha takes over from there washing and drying the coffee. Naturals are a great way to see the quality of a mill at work, since the flavor is so dependent on the processing, and this coffee really shines. Super bright, bursting with fruit juice sweetness, yet also balanced and immaculately clean. We dig this coffee.

Stone Fruit


Dried Date



Single Origin



Guji, Ethiopia







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