Wonderstate Coffee
Viroqua, WI, USA
About the Producer We have been working with Nancy Melina and her farm, San Francisco, since 2019. She converted her five acre farm to full organic production in 2017. After growing tired of the hustle bustle of city life in central Bogata, she moved back to Inza with her first love, Robin and started San Francisco, just outside her native village of Agua Blanca. Nancy is incredibly hard working and always smiling. In addition to coffee, she also raises pigs and has a large orchard on her farm. We have not been to Inza to visit Nancy quite yet, but it will surely be our first stop when we are able to manage a trip to the area. We're really grateful to our exporting partners at Pergamino coffee for introducing us to the coffees from this area. Pergamino has teamed up with the local Pillimue family to support rural producers in Inza to help transition over to sustainable, organic coffee production. About the Coffee Nancy owns her own processing plant where she dry ferments her harvest and uses parabolic dryers for the parchment. She produces mainly heirloom varieties like caturra, bourbon, and colombia. The vast majority of Colombian coffee has moved over to a hybrid variety called castillo, but we find that the heirloom types that Nancy grows offer a cleaner, sweeter, profile with more dynamic fruit tones and a juicier aftertaste. Remote areas like Inza tend to have a higher percentage of these heirloom varieties as they were largely inaccessible and war-torn for many years during the Colombian civil war. Why We Love It Nancy has once again produced a singular, stunning coffee and is one of the standout coffees of the season. The fruit notes remind us of some of our favorite Kenyan coffees, with a deep sweetness, intensely bright acidity, and a black currant fruit note. There is some magic happening on Nancy’s farm that goes beyond variety, terroir and technique. Simply put, this is one of the best coffees that you will taste from Colombia this year. It won’t disappoint. We promise.
Black Currant
Golden Raisin
Single Origin
Inza, Cauca, Colombia
Colombia, Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra
Nancy Melina
San Francisco