Joe Coffee
New York, NY, USA
When it comes to producing exceptional coffee, it truly takes a village. Women are a tremendously influential part of the global coffee community, making up 70% of the labor in field work and harvesting—detail-oriented roles which ultimately translate to excellence in the cup. However, women face steep challenges when it comes to equitable access to career growth, land, education, and credit, representing just 20-30% of farm ownership. The Village is a celebration of women in coffee, composed of seasonally-rotating selections from valued relationships with female producers and cooperatives, aimed at highlighting and addressing this gender gap. According to strong research, investing in women increases the sustainability of coffee everywhere—women are more likely to reinvest their income back into their families, their coffee businesses, and their communities. And when access to decision-making and the global marketplace improves for women farmers, quality improves too. Currently, The Village comes from a special subset of the Kopakama Cooperative in Rwanda: Ejo Heza, which means “Bright Tomorrow”. The 400-member sub-cooperative, based in Rwanda’s Western Province, manage a communal plot of coffee trees on a little over one hectare of land, as well as on their own family plots. This coffee presents a wonderfully complex tasting experience. From the start, it’s very easy to perceive high levels of a buoyant brown sugar sweetness and viscosity that continue from start to finish. The flavors shift a little as the cup cools, with soft florals such as apple blossom, and bergamot evolving into vibrant, juicier fruits like white grape, fresh apricot, and yellow peach. This is a lively and pleasant coffee with many facets to enjoy each time it’s brewed.
Brown Sugar
Single Origin
Rutsiro, Rwanda
Ejo Heza Cooperative