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Our importer Osito has partnered with the Kata Muduga Union for the past five years. The team has a longstanding rapport with the union's managing director, Asnake Nigat, and have a healthy and trusting relationship. A reputation has been built with KM coffees on heavy vetting of lots based primarily on the physical analysis and at times have turned down very high-scoring coffees in order to source only the coffees that they believe will hold up for the long term - looking for lots that have a water activity of .55 or less and moisture between 9.0% and 10.5%. In addition, lots must be perfectly clean under a UV light. We firmly believe in the approach that being a comprehensive buyer makes for the best partner and is in the best interest of each link in the supply chain.



Brown Sugar


Single Origin



Jimma, Ethiopia




Ethiopian Landrace, 74110




Nano Challa Cooperative

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