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Palestina, sitting in the South of Huila, is responsible for many of that famous department's most lauded coffees. Palestina producers are a regular feature on the Colombian Cup of Excellence table, with each year's outstanding yield of the area's experimental varieties, including many Gesha and the "Bourbon Rosado" or Pink Bourbon, a Colombian favourite. This coffee is a Pink Bourbon offering from the Asociación Palestina, an organisation that only produces naturally processed coffees and has a particular curiosity in experimental techniques and fermentations. This anaerobically fermented coffee is a great example of what can be achieved with this method: an intriguingly subtle dynamic is added to the acidity and finish with an additional layer of complexity rather than a blunt distortion of the coffee's pre-existing qualities. Pink Bourbons are a rare hybridisation of Red & Yellow Bourbon varieties. It is a challenging variety to consistently produce due to its recessive gene, requiring careful isolation from other Bourbon varieties due to Red & Yellow's genetic dominance. After 24 hours of fermentation without oxygen, the beans are dried for 25 days until they reach the desired moisture content. We love this coffee and we hope you do too!

Dried Fruit




Single Origin



Palestina, Huila, Colombia






Pink Bourbon


Anaerobic Natural Fermentation




Asociación Palestina

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