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Coopac was established in April of 2001 with 1100 memebers aiming to regenerate the coffee sector in the Gisenyi region of Lake Kivu. The initial objectives was to take advantage of the excellent natural resources in our region and focus on producing the highest quality coffee for the gourmet market so as to gain higher returns for our collective efforts thereby increase the well being of all our members. COOPAC coffee Prices has been steadily climbing in recognition of the quality improvements in turn the well being of its members has drastically improved through FairTrade initiatives that guarantee the farmers get their fair share. COOPAC went on to cr.onstruct the Nyamwenda washing station in 2003 with partial grant, partial credit. Today, some 50 washing stations dot the northern lake landscape and CCOPAC has achieved FLO certification. The membership in 2004 had risen to 1,500 members. Currently that number stands at 2,198 members from the six areas of Ack, Ubuzima, Tuzamurane, Kopabm, Abakundakurima and Abanyamurava, and exported 12 containers of Fair Trade certified coffee. COOPAC is currently promoting and providing shade tree saplings and agroforestry education to all its members so as to adhere to strict organic practices with ongoing assistance provided to fair trade community based initiatives which has so far enabled in the construction of schools, health-care clinics, roads and bridges as well as local women and youth development programs





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