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This coffee comes to us from the Layo Teraga cooperative in the Guji Zone of Ethiopia. A relatively old co-op founded in 1976, it provides market access to over 1800 smallholder members in the Guji, where it historically had a lack of market access compared to Gedeo or Sidama. With the quality of coffee coming out of Guji though, we see ALOT more action out of there, and much better prices for the coffee producers. The smallholders who are part of the Layo Teraga grow their coffee in small gardens around their homes. With plenty of forest shade and crazy high elevation of 2300+, you see plenty of complexity and poppy flavours coming out of this coffee. Because this coffee is purchased directly from the cooperative, we have access to the varietal information which is cool! Our lot “Boye Lot, Grade 1, Natural” is mostly comprised of a varietal simply known as 74110. A high yield and disease resistant varietal developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center, or JARC for short. 74110 was selected from an original mother tree in the Bishari village in the Oromia region, which is pretty cool. The producers bring their picked cherry to the Co-ops wet-mill, where they are paid based on the sale value of the end product. The wet mill will take these cherries to raised beds to ferment, and then finish the de-pulping and processing before shipping it off to Crop to Cup! Freight on Board price paid to Layao Teraga Coffee Producers Cooperative for this lot was $4.20usd / lb green coffee, and we paid $5.90usd/lb + shipping + brokerage. We’re getting nice sweet Fuzzy Peaches, Orange Blossom, Black Tea, big bodied with lots of little fun flavours to explore. I personally find the peach very tim horton’s peach drink vibes and i love it.



Orange Blossom





Guji, Ethiopia












Layo Teraga

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