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This unique coffee comes from southern Huila, from Juan Jimenez. Sr. Jimenez grows Caturra, Colombia, and Pink Bourbon on his 16 hectare farm. Each variety is meticulously picked and processed with quality in mind. Both Juan and his wife Leidy manage the farm, taking care to reinvest earnings into the farm each harvest in order to sustain high quality harvests for years to come. Kyle at Osito has been working with El Porvenir for two years, buying a large amount of all the varieties produced on their farm. This season was our first time cupping offers from Juan Jimenez, we purchased both the pink bourbon as well as the caturra as a spot offer. PINK BOURBON This is a very recently discovered variety found in Acevedo, Huila. Pink Bourbon, or Borbón Rosado, is touted as a hybridization of Red and Yellow Bourbon. On the cupping table, this variety can sometimes be mistaken for an Ethiopian coffee, with its floral notes and it’s delicate tea-like nature. Since it is a new discovery, little research has been done to confirm it’s background or origin story, but that has not stopped it from exploding in popularity both with roasters and producers. While it’s less rare that it once was, finding an extremely high quality Pink Bourbon offering is just as difficult, due to its specific growing and picking requirements. Much like Yellow Bourbon, Pink Bourbon is difficult to identify at peak ripeness. Red Bourbon is much easier, as cherries transition from bright red to deep purple within a matter of a week or more. Pink Bourbon can be much more nuanced than it’s red counterpart, making it difficult to determine the underripe from the mature. With careful picking and processing however, the nuanced nature of Pink Bourbon can be translated into a tremendously delicate and unique cup of coffee.


Black Tea

Brown Sugar



Single Origin



Huila, Colombia




Pink Bourbon






Juan Jimenez


Juan Jimenez

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