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Long Miles Coffee Project has been providing us with coffee from Burundi since 2015 and in 2020 they started building a team of young agronomists whose mission will be to work alongside partner coffee growers in Kenya, empowering them with best farming practices and any support that they might need to produce quality coffee. During this year’s coffee season (a low harvest year for coffee growers around the country), LMCP collected and processed a small volume of cherry from thirty partner coffee farmers. Building trust within a new community takes time. They are committed to listening, learning from, and getting to know the communities of coffee farming families in the region. About Ndurutu Factory Harvest Peak: January to May Varieties: 90% SL28 and SL34 / 10% Ruiru 11 # of men delivering to the factory: 365 # of women delivering to the factory: 162 Average age of farm: 50 years Average age of plants: 50 years What are the Biggest Challenges in Recent Years? • Low production, Aged producers(average age of coffee farmers is 60 years), Low prices, Inadequate drying tables Cooperative Community Work: • In partnership with the buyers for community to support community projects such as use finance support to local children’s home How is gender equity addressed/how is gender discrimination mitigated? • Election of women in the cooperatives • Organizing health clinics for women in the community such as screening of cervical cancer





Single Origin



Nyeri County, Kenya




Ruiru 11, SL-28, SL-34




Ndurutu Factory

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