Ecuador Taza Dorada Cruz Loma

Paradise Roasters


Hilo, HI, USA

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Finca Cruz Loma is located at the Northwest of Pichincha State at 1,450 meters above sea level in San José de Minas parish, with a subtropical climate, is a wonderful place that has allowed us grow a variety of products such as soursop, corn, beans, naranjilla, orange, tangerine, among others. Above all it has allowed us to grow excellent COFFEE. The history of our farm dates back 80 years since the initial owners of Finca Cruz Loma were my grandparents, later it passed into the hands of my parents and currently my four brothers and I are in charge. I got involved in coffee 20 years ago working with my mother on the farm, later I worked in companies related to the coffee world and I have carried out projects that have helped the industry. One of the most important motivations is to be able to carry out the processes of coffee and enjoy it and be able to help the people around my farm with labor. Growing my coffee is an activity that allows me to apply and develop the skills that I have been learning over the years, additional is the main resource in my family since both my wife, my daughters and I are involved in the production and marketing of our coffee. Additionally, our flora and fauna are very diverse since we have endemic plants and exotic fauna that allows us to be a unique place full of magic and splendor. Galo’s winning coffee is a blend of two varieties developed in Ecuador. Sidra and ‘Typica’ Mejorado. Both of these varieties came from the Nestle coffee breeding station in Pichincha. Selections of Ethiopian Landraces. ‘Typica’ Mejorado was released around a decade ago, intended to replace the Typica variety that was common in the area at the time. Mejorado means ‘improved’ in Spanish. This improved Typica however has no relationship to the Typica variety. Sidra is another variety they developed from Ethiopian material but was never officially released. However it still found its way into the hands of farmers around the Pichincha region, and now is being grown in many regions of Ecuador.

Black Currant

Passion Fruit



Single Origin



Pichincha, Ecuador






Typica Mejorado, Sidra






Galo Morales


Finca Cruz Loma

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