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This is our seventh year working with the Long Miles Coffee Project in the Muramvya province of Burundi, and we couldn’t be happier to roast coffee from the Ninga hillside for six years running . Long Miles Coffee Project was founded by Ben and Kristy Carlson, Americans living in Burundi who saw an opportunity to help farmers in the Muramvya Province attain better prices and better access the specialty coffee market. The Carlsons built two washing stations, and have worked with farmers ensure delicious coffee. And, by working with committed buyers like Huckleberry and other roasters in advance of the harvest, Long Miles is able to pay the farmers a higher price for their coffee than they would receive on the open market. Ninga is a specific hillside community (colline is French for hill), and this coffee comes exclusively from the Long Miles farmers living on that hill. We've been roasting Ninga microlots for 6 years now, and this year's washed lot exceeds some very lofty expectations. Hella tasty. Washed Ninga is bright and sweet. We're tasting clementine and lemondrop candy acidity, rounded out with apricot and sugar cookie sweetness. Complex, clean, juicy, sweet - there's a reason we look forward to this coffee year after year.


Dried Date



Single Origin



Muramvya, Burundi






Long Miles Coffee Project

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