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This community lot was built on the efforts of twenty-one quality-focused farmer-producers from across the Antigua Valley. Producing partners Los Volcanes (formerly TG-Labs) selectively blend these January-March day-harvests into a beautifully balanced lot at the Nueva Esperanza wet mill. With a detailed approach to milling that focuses on a long dry fermentation, followed by a shorter wet fermentation, the contributing farmers and we, the roasters, are enthusiastic about the quality that Nueva Esperanza brings to their processing - supporting the intrinsic beauty of the region’s elegant cup profile. Thanks to the land, its people, and the work from Los Volcanes, we are proud to welcome the return of Nueva Esperanza. Perhaps tastiest in press pot and auto-dripper formats, get dialed-into red flavors of cherry pie and brown sugar by starting with a 1:16 brew ratio, filtered water at 206-208℉, a medium-coarse grind, and a 3-3.5 minute brew cycle.


Brown Sugar


Single Origin



Antigua, Guatemala




Bourbon, Catuai





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