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This beaut washed Peru was introduced at the start of December '22 exclusively as part of the first Process Boxset. It's a rad daily drinker with a sugary sweetness that means, when you combine this coffee with a wee pastry or something sweet for breakfast it might just be the best way to start the day 🤙 In the brew I'm getting: Raisin, sugary like candy floss, and my taste markers are sweet & clean **Huabal is a district within the Jaén province of Cajamarca. Huabal has a huge amount of potential for quality coffee, but due to very poor infrastructure many of the producers lack resources and knowledge to unlock that potential. Altitudes in the area range from 1200 to 2100masl. Many producers in Huabal had been regenerating their farms with catimores, which had been promoted by the government and multinational buyers, and in some altitude ranges have given great results and with good management produce decent cup quality, but in the higher altitudes rarely produce much and the quality is poor. Now with the premiums that they’re receiving for quality, more and more producers are re-planting caturra, bourbon and catuai, which, with good management and fertilization can yield higher and produce much better quality coffee. Huabal is made up of various villages, which are centres of coffee production and each producer belongs to a village. Since Huabal spans a couple of mountains the climate conditions and soils can vary considerably, with some areas having wet, humid conditions and red, African-like soils and others dry and hot. This all contributes to diverse and delicious cup profiles and some very complex coffees.






Single Origin



Huabal, Peru











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