Dentwood Coffee Co.

Henrico, VA 23294, USA

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Dentwood Coffee is a locally owned small batch roasting company focusing on quality and consistency of our coffee with every roast. Our coffee is inspired by our passion for the outdoors, and as a result, we want to make sure our company remains environmentally conscious every step of the way. As a company, we want our decisions and reputation to be one of an environmental steward, while simultaneously paving a way for equitable coffee farming practices. This means we are constantly researching better ways to move our product and we’re excited to find new vendor partners that share our vision and values. “Dentwood” actually started in the 90’s as a small side hobby/hustle for my dad, Ted Dent. He was frequently traveling for business and regularly saw all of these silk leaf office plants that barely resembled what the actual plant looked like. Inspired by this sad sight, Ted curated perfectly shaped and sized branches from the forest and created exquisite silk leaf replica trees, selling them to friends, family, and through local craft shows. That’s when Dentwood was born. We lost my dad in 2011, but we’re proud to carry on the Dentwood flame…’it’d be rude not to’. Some might have called him overly meticulous, we like to think of Ted as a perfectionist. We strive to bring that same passion and obsession with details as we begin our own Dentwood. We love how coffee brings together communities, great conversations, and that morning ritual that we all love and look forward to.

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