HOW IT ALL STARTED Blind Dog Coffee Roasters was established in 2007, by founder Mark Berry in Reno, Nevada. Mark as a young child developed cancer that threatened his eyesight, through radiation he won the fight. Many years later, by the fall of his 49th birthday, he became legally blind. No longer able to earn a living as he had done the past 30 years, Mark decided along with his family, that he would learn to professional roast coffee and in doing this Blind Dog Coffee Roasters was born. Working side by side with his family for several years, Mark decided it was time to retire and has passed along his company to his family. HOW IT'S GOING Still clinging tight to the core values Mark has set in place; always wanting to offer our customers a specialty high-quality coffee at a fair price and being able to give back to the community, especially to the Northern Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation and so many other charities close to our heart.