Carvalho Coffee

Oakville, ON, Canada

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We buy our coffee directly from a farm in Brazil. The history of this farm began when the great- grandmother of Fazenda Cachoeira’s present owners bought the first coffee farm near Poços de Caldas, bordered between São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The plantation was made in the valley of São Sebastião da Grama, 1200 meters above sea level with rich volcanic soil and unique climate, both ideals for Specialty Coffees. The family’s traditions are kept alive today by its fifth generation of coffee growers who produce over 200,000 bags of the finest Brazilian Arabica on several farms located in the choicest areas of the country: the very best out of the Brazilian Coffee. The new generations of the family have been able to balance tradition and modernity, personal attention and technology, grower posed by the growing specialty coffee market has prompted the family to use the Bourbon and other high-quality varieties in all new plantings.

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