Elevator Coffee

Portland, OR, USA

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Elevator Coffee was established in 2016. We operated a cafe in inner SE Portland until Fall 2020, and have an award winning coffee roasting business, currently selling online and as wholesale. Our core values are high quality, attention to details, acting with integrity and transparency, and professional service without pretense. We take pride in being geeks, not snobs, and our high level of friendly service reflects that ethos. Finally, we continually work to improve ourselves and our products. The team includes Jay Sycip, Andrew Coe and Jarrod Smith. Andrew and Jay met through connections in the bicycling industry. Jay is the founder and had the inspiration for the Elevator Cafe & Commons, Andrew is the roaster and coffee buyer, Jarrod is a jack-of-all-trades, doing a bit of everything including: roasting, sales, marketing, website management, deliveries, and more. Elevator Coffee works hard to be contributors in the local coffee community and our areas of influence. This includes hosting coffee events in our old cafe space, and competing regularly in local and national coffee competitions. As well as donating to and supporting coffee to cycling teams and events, local schools, and other local nonprofits. We also sell the coffee gear we like to use at home to our web store. We currently carry products from Baratza, Acaia, Able Brewing, Ratio, and Fellow. We’d love to be a part of your coffee routine, whether that’s with cream and sugar, or as a shot of espresso.

Download the app for the full Tasting Ground community experience.

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