Detour Coffee Roasters

Hamilton, ON, Canada

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Detour was born in 2009 in a back alleyway in Dundas, Ontario. One of Canada’s earliest specialty coffee roasters, the brand was built on the idea that coffee should be more than just mindless morning fuel. Our founder, Kaelin McCowan, believed that if he sourced and secured the highest quality green coffees in the world, and roasted fresh to order, people would fall in love with what’s in the cup. Nearly a decade later our mission remains unchanged. We continue to strive to elevate coffee and act as industry leaders through ongoing experimentation and development. Specialty coffee has come a long way since our early days. Today the latest coffee trends pop up at an unfathomable pace. We’re huge believers in ongoing innovation. But not just for the sake of chasing the latest fad. To us true leadership means charting our own path and staying true to the product and processes we believe in.

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