San Agustín

León, Spain

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Many years ago, the need for a different coffee prompted us to invest in the equipment and training necessary to start toasting on our own. The model of the Spanish coffee sector, dominated by large roasting companies, It has failed to adapt to the increasing demands of consumers regarding the quality of the product and its way of preparing it. During this time, we have met many importers, baristas, many botanical varieties, types of roast and ’ blends ’ different. Paper and internet publications have emerged and, somehow, it seems that the lonely path we started is no longer so much. Our current concern is to be able to offer exclusive flavors and all the possible information on the path that our product travels from the farms to your cups. Also, being able to communicate the tremendous complexity of this wonderful product that is coffee: its cultivation, collection, processing, botanical varieties, ‘ terroir ’, seasonality, microlots, traceability… The path to excellence is impossible to fully navigate, but we feel ready to meet the ever-higher expectations of specialty coffee consumers. Do not hesitate to write to us to send us your opinions and questions, or if you want to try one of our cafes in your cafeteria.

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