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Café Oro represents the best of a classic Bolivian profile expressing a remarkable balance between florals, fruit, and sugary sweetness. Its balance of Typica and Caturra have been producing stylish organically farmed coffees that routinely impress the most discerning palates. A fresh stream runs through a lushly landscaped terroir yielding a remarkably fuller fruit profile compared to neighboring farms. We discovered Teodocia Castro in 2014 in our first season pursuing Bolivian coffee through our export partners Invalsa based in La Paz. We are proud to continue offering Teodocia’s outstanding coffee from her colonia Siete Estrellas where she has produced organic specialty coffee for over 25 years alongside the neighboring seven families that settled here in the late 1980’s. Teodocia is a very serious producer while her husband Crispin and daughter Karina beam with pride over Teodocia’s accomplishments and connection occasionally prompting a warm smile from this outstanding veteran producer. Fine Bolivian coffees like this must overcome many hurdles to make it here but we are all in with the unwavering drive from Teodocia and truly hope you enjoy.

Stone Fruit

Sweet & Sugary

Orange Blossom


Single Origin



Caranavi, Bolivia




Typica, Caturra






Teodocia Castro


Siete Estrellas

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